2023 Book Review - My 9 Favorite Books of the Year
2023 was a busy year of reading for me with over 70 books read. From an engrossing story about a dragon rider to a memoir about growing up Korean America, here are my 9 favorite books of the year…
How to Get a Free Stanley Tumbler
If you're not yet an owner of one of these magical things, you should be. Especially if your location is headed into summer. I put ice water into mine this past Sunday afternoon, left it on my nightstand for 48+ hours, and it was still full of ice on Tuesday night. Truly miraculous. So here's how you get one for free if you want one:
How to Have a Joyfully Managed Holiday Season
I created a FREE 15-page guide and workbook to help you plan a holiday season that has more joy and ease than overwhelm and stress. It will help you figure out what matters, learn some tips to create more joy and ease, and plan ahead so that you feel completely together when it comes to celebrating this year's fall and winter holidays.
Need an idea for your next meeting ice breaker question? I've got you.
Years ago, I started a Google document to keep track of ideas for meeting ice breaker questions and team-building activities. It became a mish-mash of various font sizes and formatting as I jotted or pasted quick ideas into it, so it was far from beautiful. I figured it was time to share the love. I created a free 12-page list of quick and easy ice breaker questions, creative video meeting-specific ideas, and bonus team-building activities for retreats.
7 Books to Get Your Life Together as School Starts Again
That back-to-school energy is in the air. Even as we soak up the last rays of summer sunshine this month, kids are heading back to school or will be soon. Here are 7 of my all-time favorite books for this season of life - they will support you to get the routines, habits, and mindsets you need for a great fall!
7 Books to Understand Diverse American Experiences This Independence Day
America - she is complex. Every day of her history has included beautiful acts of bravery and humanity, and every day of her history has also included brutal acts of dehumanization and cruelty. These are 7 of the books that have given me a window into the diverse experiences of my fellow Americans who walk or have walked in different shoes than my own. As we celebrate and think critically about our country this July 4th, I hope you will consider one or more of these that might broaden your own perspective.
#NickWasKind2022 - Let's Boost the Bone Marrow Registry!
My brother Nick Eastman passed away in 2015. We celebrate his life by doing random acts of kindness all year long and especially on his birthday (July 3). In 2022, we’re focusing on increasing the number of people who are part of the bone marrow registry and raising money for Be the Match. Click to learn more on how you can help!
8 Books to Give for Mother's Day 2022
If you're looking for a great gift for Mother's Day 2022, let this guide support you. Whether you are looking for your own mother, for your grandmother, for your partner who is the mother of your children, or a friend who also is also a mom, these books will be a meaningful way to celebrate them on this day.
How We Keep Our Family Car Organized
Here are our top tips for keeping your car organized, with videos and links!
10 Unique Books to Give for Father's Day 2022
No matter which father-figure you are finding a gift for this year, this list of 10 that you won't find on most Father's Day lists will support you to find a book that will be a fit for them.
6 Inspiring Earth Day Books for Families
As we fight to balance both the sobering truth and the needed hope about the climate crisis our planet is facing, families must incorporate these ideas into their bookshelves as well as their conversations. These 6 books are good for reading with children, and two of them are critical reads for all adults to help us inform ourselves so that we can take action and include our children.
Refresh Your Shelf with These Favorite Spring Books
Spring is about to spring, and if you’re anything like me you are eager for the warmer weather and are experiencing that urge to get some spring cleaning done. I pulled together a list of my favorite 7 books that are perfect for this season of the year.
8 Books I Loved in 2021
Below are brief descriptions of 8 that were some of my absolute top favorites of the year. I’d love to know in the comments what recommendations you have for me to read in 2022! If you’re on Goodreads, find me here: https://www.goodreads.com/jessicaeastmanstewart.
Top 7 Ways Our Family Uses Amazon's Alexa
After being gifted an Amazon Echo Dot in 2017, it has become a super helpful tool in our household. We now use it 6 connected devices throughout different rooms in the house (we have 1 Echo Dot Kids, 1 Echo Dot with Clock, 3 Echo Dot 3rd Gen, and 1 Sonos TV Sound Bar). Here are some of my favorite ways we are using it. I know the skills keep growing - would love to hear in the comments how you are using yours!
Most Popular Posts of 2020
There are few things that give me more satisfaction than the process of sitting down to write something to share with the world. This little space on the internet gives me a way to do that, and while it’s being viewed by millions, it has been visited by tens of thousands of people. That is meaningful to me.
This is the most popular content people read in 2020 here at jessicaeastmanstewart.com.
15 Books I Loved in 2020
Thoughts on the compatibility of being a reader while also being a parent, and 15 books I most loved in 2020, including fiction and non-fiction.
Ways to Honor Your Word/Theme for the New Year
If you have a theme or word for your year, how do you honor it? How do you keep it front and center so that you’re not wondering by March, “What was my word again?”. How do you squeeze all of the goodness of that strong reflection, dreaming, and planning? Here are some of the things that have worked for me over the years - which might be meaningful for you?
3 Things I Know for Sure
Know who you are, but don’t let it keep you stuck. Feel your feelings. Be intentional.
How to Create Your Personal Summer Fun List
This year we’re about a month into enjoying a “Summer Fun List” for our family. We have two little kids, but there’s no reason this idea should be limited to families with kids. Everyone deserves a list of fun things to look forward to making happen!