Podcast Appearances + Media Interviews

At This Time Podcast: The Checklists Saving Lives

I had so much fun connecting with At This Time podcast host, Eric DeSobe, as we discussed the joy of creating and sharing tips to help improve life from both a personal and a business perspective. “Anything that you can systematize is gonna make things better… I mean checklists literally save lives!”.

The Mom-Entum Podcast: Simplifying Family Life Through Weekly Meetings

“The one thing that we always make time to talk about in our weekly family meeting is the calendar.” Tanya and I had a great conversation about how our calendar is the holy grail for organization. Making sure each family member knows what's coming up helps set us up for a stress free week.

Polishing Up Your Systems with Deidre Johnson

“Every season cannot be the season for every thing.” Deirdre and I had a great conversation about deciding what you want to prioritize in your busy mom life. I loved this conversation!

Polishing Up Your Systems with Deidre Johnson

“Every season cannot be the season for every thing.” Deirdre and I had a great conversation about deciding what you want to prioritize in your busy mom life. I loved this conversation!

Home Systems to Create More Ease and Joy with Jessica Eastman Stewart

Jessica Eastman Stewart helps working mamas get organized at both work and at home. Through her online and in-person workshops and courses, she helps you create professional and personal systems that allow for more productivity, joy, and ease in all aspects of their lives. She’s been featured in Forbes, Mom.com, and in over a dozen popular podcasts.

Organizing Your Mom Life with Deidre Johnson

Deirdre and I had a great conversation with tips on top of tips on top of more tips for organizing your busy mom life. I loved this conversation!

Taking Time to Polish Up Systems in your Business

In this episode of The Motivated Mompreneur Podcast, Amy and I discussed how to make time to clean up your work systems and routines and what kinds of things you can do during that time to supercharge your business.

Tips and Tricks for Travel with Kids (Including International Trips!)

What a fun conversation with Destini from HobbyScool about how to travel with kids, including the mindsets you need for your trips, a whole host of deeply practical tips, and even a freebie loaded with tips for your next trip!

More Joy and Ease in the Holiday Season

In this episode of my very favorite podcast as a listener, we discussed how to create more joy and ease during the busy holiday season. I also shared my free guide to Joyfully Managed Holiday Seasons that you can get here.

Organizing to Add Value with Jessica Eastman Stewart

On this episode of The Mod Co Podcast with Angel Wilborn, we talk about organizing to add value (without needing everything to be perfect) and designing your weekend so it is restorative.

Reduce Overwhelm with Family Meetings

In this episode of The Dedicated Homemaker Podcast, Ashley and I talk about getting the family organized with family meetings.

Career by Design Episode 209 - Giving and Receiving Feedback

Giving and getting feedback was very much NOT a strength of mine in the earliest years of my career. As with most things, practice has significantly improved my comfort and skill in this area. So it was an honor and a lot of fun to chat about giving and getting feedback with Prerika A. on her career-advice podcast. On the episode page, Prer also linked a printable resource I made that you can use to support giving feedback on your own team.

Creating a Joyful Culture at Home with Jessica Eastman Stewart

Creating joy in our everyday lives doesn’t need to look like our social media feeds! In this inspiring episode, Min Sukree and I discuss how to savor life's rich flavors and carve joy in our everyday lives.

Customers Want the Benefit of Their Purchase Now

While planning ahead is a great idea, people rarely buy something they can’t benefit from soon. In this episode, Beth and I talk about my Black Friday offer that asked people to buy workshops months in advance, and my favorite professional books. 

The Brittnee Smith Podcast: Organize Well (Season 3, Episode 01)

Here’s how Brittnee described our conversation: “How many times in the last year have you thought “if I could just get organized I could get more done…”? Organization is one of those things that can make or break your success in both business and your personal life! Between managing everyone’s schedules, staying on top of important tasks, and taking care of yourself...I mean come on, there’s so much to be done. In this episode, we have Jessica Eastman Stewart, a life organization GURU, to talk about how to be realistic as we set our schedule to fit with what we value the most and create systems to run our businesses well.”

The Sheri Kaye Hoff Show

Sheri and I focused our fun conversation on 4 ways to balance work and life - with lots of practical tips and permission to do things your own way.

Your Fairy Godmentor with Angie Taylor

Angie and I discussed a key strategy for keeping our family life from becoming overwhelming - our Daily List and Weekly List. As Angie shared, “Life is challenging enough without all the different schedules creating chaos for the entire family. Enjoy this episode as Jessica and I chat about creating family balance that takes the stress of everyone, including mom.

Mads Singer Podcast

Mads and I discussed one of my favorite strategies for staying organized at work and as a team leader - a Polish Week to clean up your team’s routines and systems. We also touched on many other topics from being an intentional manager and making a game/competition out of cleaning up work systems across a team.

The Digital Maddy Show

Mitthyl and I discussed one of my favorite strategies for staying organized at work and as a team leader - a Polish Week to clean up your team’s routines and systems. He also surprised me with 6 rapid-fire fun questions at the end and I did my best!

The Impactful Parent Podcast

Kristina and I had a great conversation about one of the most powerful strategies for family togetherness - a weekly meeting of the adults in the home. I also share a free guide for how to plan your weekly meeting!

5 Practical Tips for Balancing Career and Parenthood with Tywauna Wilson

In this live conversation with Tywauna Wilson, I shared tips on "Balancing Career and Parenthood". We discussed practical ways to balance it all as a working parent - giving up the guilt, setting up household systems, approaching weekends deliberately, delegating more, deciding on purpose what needs to drop from your life for this chapter, and more. One parent of 3 who listened told me, "This has given me hope already and I’m asking myself questions about how I can move the dial and find more ease and joy - more structure. THANK YOU FOR SHARING!”

Men are the Prize Father’s Day Episode

I was honored to be featured on Harvey’s Father’s Day episode sharing encouraging thoughts for men and fathers about how to take care of themselves and giving them permission to not be perfect.

Chick Chat Podcast

Leticia and I had a great conversation talking about one of my favorite principles - Decide Once - and shared many examples of how that plays out in our lives as working mothers. This episode is packed with practical tips!

Yeukai Business Show

In this conversation, Dennis Harhalakis & Jessica Eastman Stewart discuss time management, productivity, and building new habits to make your work life easier. In this episode, you'll discover: How to Set Great Goals at Work & Avoid Common Goal-Setting Pitfalls, Planning Your Week & Adjusting When Things Shift, and How to Get Your Email Under Control.

Learning from Smart People Show

In this conversation, Rob and Jessica discussed how to take time to clean up your work systems to ensure you can achieve more.

The Kindness Matters Podcast

In this captivating conversation, Jessica shares her innovative approach to being a 'mompreneur', her novel ideas to create welcoming atmospheres, and her unique perspective on the profound connections between management and parenting. You'll learn about her annual tradition of celebrating kindness on July 3rd, a touching tribute to her late brother. Listen in as we delve into the ripple effect of small gestures - like leaving books with uplifting messages or covering someone's laundry expenses. This episode is a heartfelt reminder of the power of kindness, not just towards others, but also towards ourselves. So, prepare to be inspired to create your own ripples of positivity in the world.