Ways to Honor Your Word/Theme for the New Year
For the third year in a row, I’ve carved out time in December to participate in Holiday Council with Molly Mahar at Stratejoy. It’s a deliberate investment to create the space and time to reflect on the year, trust my own wisdom about what it’s time for next, and create plans to move towards that even-more-true version of myself. HoCo is a great structure for me, but there are many ways to reflect on a year and set intentions for the next one.
One of the things that comes out of this process for me is a theme or word for the year. It helps center me, helps me make decisions, and helps keeps me focused on that future I’m creating and the moments I’m savoring right now. 2019 for me was about having clear priorities and self-care - so it was the year of being “Nourished and Deliberate”, 2020 was a year to write my own story - so “Be the Author” was the focus, and today through some brainstorming about what is right for me next, 2021 will be a year to “Evolve”.
If you have a theme or word for your year, how do you honor it? How do you keep it front and center so that you’re not wondering by March, “What was my word again?”. How do you squeeze all of the goodness of that strong reflection, dreaming, and planning? Below are some of the things that have worked for me over the years - which might be meaningful for you?
Stickers - what if your word for the year was on your laptop or water bottle? What if you had an entire sheet of them to use in a paper planner? Etsy has many small businesses that make affordable custom stickers to support your theme for the year.
Bookmark - If you’re a reader, what better way to keep your goals top-of-mind than to see them daily when you pick up a book? Here are 3 templates I made that you can use with a free Canva account to make a bookmark for yourself: https://bit.ly/GoalBookmarks. You can also just jot your word, theme, or goals down on an index card to use as a bookmark!
Jewelry - perhaps it’s more your style to have that theme on a necklace, a ring, or a bracelet that you can put on when you want to bring that theme into your day. Etsy again for the win - jewelry options abound.
Books - if reading is one of the ways that you process and learn, consider asking your network for books that might be inspiring related to your theme. Or just ask Google. Want to laugh more? Read Ali Wong. Need to move through stress? Try Burnout. Need to stop overworking? Read Celeste Headlee or Kate Northrup’s Do Less. Need to live for yourself and not for others’ expectations? Read Untamed. Need to sleep more? Read Why We Sleep (trust me on this one). Or find the right fit for your focus.
Podcasts - along the same lines, if podcasts are your jam them make sure your lineup matches the intentions you are setting for the year. What kind of listening, learning, and programming do you need in your life at this time? You can listen to podcasts I’ve guested on here.
Collage - Ah, the good old “vision board”. Whether you are old school with magazine cuttings or putting the magic of Canva to good use to create something digitally (search for “mood boards” to find a template you love), an image that captures your theme in a visual way with images that speak to you can be incredibly powerful. And then - resize it to print one for your wall, stick it on the front of your notebook, make it your phone wallpaper, create a new computer desktop background, or share with the people that will support you towards the vision.
Candle - Etsy to the rescue once again - if you love candles (I do!), could you get one with your word of the year printed on it to support you when you most need it in the year? A little sparkly light is often just the trick for me.
Coffee Mug - would sipping tea or coffee in a fresh new mug emblazoned with your theme for the year remind you of what you want to be true in your life be meaningful? Then go make it happen.
Temporary Tattoo - I just ordered a custom set of temporary tattoos to try this year with my theme for 2021. Momentary Ink can get you a custom set sent you way for just a few dollars a piece.
Keychain - if you grab keys several times a day as you are going about your business, perhaps a custom keychain with your word would be a grounding way to stay connected to your intention?
Change Your Password - My friend Kate suggested this idea from an article she read about someone who set their password to be their mantra for the year. If you are entering your laptop, or phone, or email password multiple times a day, would it help to type out your theme for the year, or one of your goals?
Playlist - this is one of my favorite ways to stay connected to what matters to me. Music can be emotional in a really powerful way. Each year, I start a new playlist with songs that remind me of my theme for the year and the things I want to create. Google and your friends are a good resource for finding songs that might be a good fit, and you likely can already think of a few that will support you.
What other ideas do you have for how to honor your word or theme for the year? Post them in the comments and I’ll try to add some of them to the body of the post over time to support others looking for ideas.
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