Decide Once Digest

Some of the most replied-to emails I ever send to my email list are ideas for deciding once instead of deciding over and over again.

We make so many decisions every day (about 35,000 decisions on average), from what flavor creamer we want in our coffee to what meals we’ll eat to what skincare products to purchase, and all this decision-making can really fatigue our overworked brains.

So, what can we do to stop having to re-decide so frequently? We can figure out what we can make a single decision about to avoid having to decide over and over again.

I have some ideas below—from my own life, friends, and even some of my newsletter subscribers—to help get you started on things you can choose to decide once on.

My family has been using this concept since our (now big) kids were babies, and it’s also been popularized by The Lazy Genius herself, Kendra Adachi.

Decide Once Ideas

  • A friend of mine goes to a coffee shop with her son every Saturday morning - she catches up on personal email and he does his weekly homework packet.

  • In our house, we run the dishwasher every single night, even if it's only halfway full.

  • One of my friends has decided this: if she's on vacation and it's a rainy day, she'll go to an independent bookstore and buy a new book.

  • Maybe you decide once when you shower or bathe each day.

  • Could you pick a simple allergen-friendly meal that you always make when contributing to a meal train or potluck?

  • What if you always gave a few bucks if you had cash and saw someone asking for donations, instead of deciding whether or not to each time?

  • I take my daughter to Starbucks every Saturday morning and my son there every Sunday morning. We all look forward to it every weekend.

  • Dinners: Pizza Friday, Mac and Cheese Monday, Taco Tuesday, Spaghetti Sunday

  • Breakfast: Fruit and yogurt, overnight oats, or boiled eggs

  • Bathe kids on these certain days of the week (this works until those kids start getting a little stinky...)

  • Subscribe and Save: mascara, cat food, kid shakes, compost bags, supplements, vitamins, printer paper

  • Water plants every Friday

  • Always park in Row 4 (or on the right side, or near the back) of a parking lot you frequent so that you’re not always wondering where your car is every time you are ready to leave

  • Screen time always ends at 5 pm

  • When it's time for a potluck, we bring a particular hearty salad

  • A white elephant gift is always a gift card to a certain local popular spot

  • Wash your towels on Monday

  • Socks are all one style, one color - every sock goes with every other sock!

  • Our next X family movie nights are going to be movies from a particular series or list

  • We pack lunches for the week on Sunday

  • We fill the gas tank once it gets to 1/4 full

  • Every time I go to Costco, I pick up a ready-made dinner for that night. After a few hours at Costco and unpacking it all, no one wants to cook anyway.

  • "We change our (grownup) sheets first thing every Saturday morning. It's hardly effort because it's so routine, it makes the weekend feel productive from the start, and we feel rewarded again when we get into bed with fresh sheets that night."

  • "I set up coffee pre-programmed for the next day right when we are eating breakfast. It's wonderful to walk into the kitchen with hot coffee already brewed, and nice not to have to think about it at night."

  • "We have gotten into camping lately and have our gear, including food prep/serving and some non-perishables, packed in bins (rather than having to pull items from the kitchen, that risk getting broken or lost). It takes up a portion of a basement hallway closet and the real work is in cleaning and re-packing once home, but that effort makes preparation for the next camping trip (when our memories of what to replenish/wash/fix may be hazy) *so much easier*."

  • "I used to stress over what to cook for dinner every night and now I follow this guide: Crockpot Sundays, Meatsauce Mondays (pasta), Taco Tuesdays, Water Wednesdays (seafood), Rice bowl Thursdays (vegetarian), Pizza Fridays, and Burger Saturdays."

  • "My decide once for my own breakfast is a slice of toast with peanut butter and fruit."

  • "At least once or twice a year when we go on vacation we have our house professionally deep cleaned while we’re gone."

  • "I've decided once on what time to start dinner on week nights- 5:30. No more over thinking it. Done." (Jess note - we have the same concept in our house, but it's 7pm. Every night).

  • "I started putting in one load of laundry every morning. And it’s folded and away by the end of the day."

  • "We add the dishwasher tab as soon as the dishwasher gets emptied. Easy to tell if dishes are clean or dirty."

There are so many things we can simplify in our lives and homes, and there are unlimited ways to incorporate Decide Once into your routine! Try it out and see how well it works for you.

About The Author

Jessica Eastman Stewart is a consultant, workshop facilitator, and podcast guest expert. She teaches busy professionals how to get more organized at home and at work so they can stop feeling worn out and start living a Joyfully Managed Life! Thousands of readers drop everything when her weekly newsletter, The Friday Five, arrives in their inbox. Every Friday, you’ll get FIVE amazing tips to help life feel INSTANTLY more joyful and easy!

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