OhmConnect Review - How our family made $218 with a little energy saving

We signed up on the OhmConnect website last fall and since then they've paid us $218 for doing almost nothing.

How does it work?
It's a pretty neat concept: we all know that saving energy is a good thing. It saves us some money, it's good for the planet. But that isn't always enough incentive to actually think much about saving energy amidst the rest of our busy lives. OhmConnect provides a little more incentive.

You don't have to buy or install any equipment. OhmConnect alerts you (via text, or email, or app alert - whatever your preference) that there's an energy spike happening in your area and asks you to reduce your power usage for the next hour - an #OhmHour, as they say.

So you wait to run the dishwasher for a few hours or turn off some lights. You get paid for the energy that you don't use (the difference between your expected usage and actual usage). After you get $20 or so in your account, you can get that money transferred to your PayPal account. We're averaging about $25 a month right now, for a total of $218 since late 2016. 

Come together with others to raise money
You can even donate the money to a good cause. You can form a "team" on their site and collectively reduce energy to raise money for a good cause. Seems like an easy way for schools and nonprofits to bring their supporters together for a triple win - environmental benefit, fundraising for a good cause, and bringing your community together to accomplish something worthwhile.

The next level - smart appliances
We recently took our game to the next level as well by connecting our OhmConnect account to a few smart plugs in our house. For example, we have an air filter upstairs that we use to keep the air clean and also serves as extra white noise outside of our kids' bedroom to help them sleep well. The smart plug being setup has been great - the air filter now automatically turns on at 7:30pm and then off at 7:30am. And we can set it up so that if we want, it will automatically turn itself off whenever an #OhmHour happens while it's on. It's also super handy that they connect to our Amazon Echo Dot so that when we put kids down for a weekend nap, we just say, "Alexa, turn on the air filter". We have these types of smart plugs here.

You can also connect your OhmConnect account to things like smart thermostats, etc. and do all sorts of neat setup.

Go forth and save energy and make some money. Would love to hear about how much you've made so far if you are already using.

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